English / anglais


1261.           GILLMAN, P. National Name Authority File: report to the National Council on Archives. British Library research and innovation report 90. London: British Library Research and Innovation Centre, 1998. GB1

1262.           WINTERBOTTOM, P. “CAIRS-IMS at the Royal Bank of Scotland”. Managing Information (April 1997). GB3

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1264.           WATRY, P.B.; WATRY, M.M.  “Automating archival collections using MARC-AMC and Z39.50 at the University of Liverpool: A case study”. Journal of the Society of Archivists 17 (1996): 167–173. GB1, GB3

1265.           DAVIES, Richard Carter. “Adventures with Micromarc”. AA­. Chicago, V.55 (Fall 1992): 600-606. P3

1266.           WEBER, Lisa B. “Record Formatting: MARC AMC”. Cataloging & Classifica­tion Quarterly 11, 3/4 (1990): 117-143. P4

1267.           SMIRAGLIA, Richard P., ed. “Describing Archival Materials: the Use of the MARC AMC Format”. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 11, nos.3-4 [USA], 1990. P4, USA14

1268.           SMIRAGLIA, R.P. ed. Describing archival materials, the use of the MARC AMC format. New York: Haworth Press, c.1990. GB1

1269.           TATEM, Jill. “Beyond USMARC AMC: The Context of a Data Exchange Format”. Midwestern Archivist 14:1 (1989): 39-47. USA13

1270.           GERTZ, Janet; Leon J. STOUT. “The MARC Archival and Manuscripts Control (AMC) Format: a New Direction in Cataloging”. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 9 (4) 1989: 5-25. P4

1271.           BEARMAN, David. “Archives and Manuscripts Control with Bibliographic Utilities: Opportunities and Challenges”. AA 52 (Winter 1989): 26-39. USA14

1272.           CLOUD, Patrici­a D. “The Cost of Converting to MARC AMC: Some Early Observati­ons”. Library Trends 36 (Winter 1988): 573-583. USA13

1273.           SAHLI, Nancy. “The Use of Standards in the Application of the AMC Format”. AA­ 49 (Winter 1986): 31-40. USA13

1274.           SAHLI, Nancy. “Interpretation and Application of the AMC Format”. AA 49 (Winter 1986): 9-20. USA5, USA13

1275.           SAHLI, Nancy. Marc for Archives and Manuscripts: the AMC Format. Chicago, 1985. CDN5, TR2

1276.           REED, Dale. “The RLIN AMC Format: an Experiment in Library-Compatible Archival Data Automation”. Journal of the Society of Archivists 7 (7) (Apr. 1985): 450-455. P4


French / français


1277.           CASTONGUAY, Denis. “Le format MARC et ses implications pour les archi­ves”. Archives vol.26, Nr.1-2 (1994): 163-175. CDN2


German / allemand


1278.           Richtlinien Handschriftenkatalogisierung, 4. erw. Aufl. (Hrsg.:) Deutsche Forschungs- gemeinschaft, Unterausschuß für Handschriftenkatalogisierung. Bonn-Bad Godesberg, 1985. D1


Chinese / chinois


1279.           JIN, Bo. “Dang An Xin Xi Zhuan Yi Ji Shu De Di Wei He Zuo Yong (The Status and Role of Archival Information Transferring Technology)”.Dang An Xue Tong Xun (Archives Science Bulletin)3(1997): 48-50. CN


Portuguese / portugais


1280.           FRANQUEIRA, Ana; Madalena GARCIA. ARQBASE. Metodologia de descrição ar­quivística para tratamento automatizado de documentação histórica. Lisboa, 1991. P4


Romanian / roumain


1281.           BRĂTESCU, Constantin; NECŞA, Toader. “Unele constatări privind evidenţa documentelor cu caracter tehnic”. R.A. nr.1 (1981). RO

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