More than one language / en plusieurs langues


1428.           ICA Committee on Disaster Prevention. Guidelines on Disaster Prevention and Control in Archives (ICA Study 11). Paris, 1997. P2

1429.           FLIEDER, Françoise; DUCHEIN, Michel. Livros e documentos de arquivo: preservação e conservação. Lisboa: BAD- Associação Portuguesa de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas e Documentalistas, 1993. MO, P2

1430.           ----  Livres et documents d'archives: sauvegar­de et conservation. Paris, UNESCO, 1983. F2, F3, F5

1431.           BUCHANAN, Sally A. Disaster Planning, Preparedness and Recovery for Libraries and Archives: a RAMP Study with Guidelines. UNESCO, Paris, 1988. AUS1, GB1, TR2

1432.           PASCOE, M.W. Impact of Environmental Pollution on the Preservation of Archives and Records: a RAMP Study. UNESCO, Paris, 1988.

1433.           THOMAS, David L. Study of Control of Security and Storage of Holdings: a RAMP Study with Guidelines. UNESCO, Paris, 1986. GB6, MO, TR2

1434.           KATHPALIA, Yash Pal. Conservation ans Restoration of Archival Materials. UNESCO, Paris, 1973. IND3, TH

1435.           ---- Conservation et restauration des documents d'archives. Paris, 1973. DEN, TR2

1436.           ---- Arsiv Malzemesinin Korunmasi ve Restorasyonu. (trans. Nihal Somer), Devlet Arsivleri Genel Mudurlugu. Ankara, 1990. TR2


English / anglais


1437.          FORDE, Helen. “Strategies for Survival”. International Council on Archives.Archivum XLII (Memory of the World at Risk, Archives Destroyed, Archives Reconstituted), Munich, 1996. GB1

1438.          TRINKAUS-RANDALL, Gregor. Protecting Your Collections: A Manual of Archival Security. Chicago, 1995. USA13

1439.          PANDŽIČ, M. “Some Experiences and Problems concerning Preservation of national Literary Heritage - Disaster Prevention including armed Conflicts”. Arhivski vjesnik 37 (1994): 69-78. CRO

1440.          MUŠNJAK, T. “The Protection of Archival Material in War Conditions”. Arhivski vjesnik 37 (1994): 79-86. CRO

1441.          DUNN, F.I. A guide for use in appraising and implementing security systems and procedures in archive operations, covering buildings, staff, the public and repository management. Society of Archivists: Best Practice Guideline 2, 1994. GB1, GB3

1442.          Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Protecting Archives and Manuscripts Against Disasters. London: HMSO, 1993. GB1

1443.          DUNN, F.I. and J. STRICKLAND. “Security in the management of business archives and records”. Business Archives: Principles and Practice 65 (May 1993). GB3

1444.          HICKIN, N.E. Bookworms: the insect pests of books. Rev. ed. S.I., 1992. GB1

1445.          COX, Richard J. “Contending with the Hydra-Headed Monster: Preservation Selection of Enduring Information ”. In: Richard J. COX  American Archival Analy­sis: The Recent Development of the Archival Profession in the United States. Metuchne, N.J., and London, 1990, pp. 243-260. USA5

1446.          STOREY, Richard; WHERRY, A.M.; and WILSON, J.F. “Three views on security”. Journal of the Society of Archivists Vol 10 no 3 (July 1989). GB3

1447.          Health and Safety Commission. Control of substances hazardous to health. London, 1989. GB6

1448.          WATER, Peter. Procedure for Salvage of Water-damaged Library Materials. L.C. Publicati­ons on Conservation of Library Material, Library of Congress, Washing­ton, D.C. 1988. CDN2

1449.          PARKER, Thomas A. Study on Integrated Pest Management for Libraries and Archives. Paris, 1988. P3

1450.          British Standards Institute. BS 4783 1-8: Storage, transportation and maintenance of media for use in data processing and information storage.1988, 1991, 1993, 1994. GB3

1451.          DUNN, F.I. “The security marking of documentary materials”. Journal of the Society of Archivists Vol 8 no 3 (April 1987). GB3, MO

1452.          BARTON, John; Johanna G. WELLHEISER. An Ounce of Prevention: a Hand­book on Disaster Contingency Planning for Archives, Libraries and Records Centers. Toronto Area Archivists Group, Toronto, 1985. CDN2

1453.          FENNELLY, Lawrence J. Museum, Archive and Library Security. Woburn – EVA, 1983.

1454.          WALCH, Timothy. Archives & Manuscripts: Security. Chicago Il., SAA, 1977.

French / français


1455.          Conseil Canadian des Archives. Guide d'évaluation des conditions de conservation ambiantes dans une bibliothèque et dans un dépôt d'archives. Ottawa, 1995. CDN2

1456.          Conseil Canadian des Archives. Lignes directrices concernant les conditions de conservation dans les services d'archives. Ottawa, 1995. CDN2

1457.          PIEYNS-RIGO, Paulette et HENRIST, Marc. “ Un cas exemplaire de sauvetage par lyophilisation d’archives inondées ”. Janus (1993) 1 : 83-91. F3

1458.          “ Préservation et restauration des documents sur papier ”. Journée d’étude de l’Association des archivistes français, 24 janvier 1991. Gazette des archives (4e trimestre 1991). F3

1459.          Conseil Canadian des Archives. Manuel de conservation des documents d'archives. Ottawa, 1990. CDN2


Chinese / chinois


1460.          LU, Ying; DING, Ling. “Da Qi Wu Ran Yu Zhi Zhi Wen Xian De Bao Hu:Shi Xi You Hai Qi Ti Dui Zhi Zhang Nai Jiu Xing De Ying Xiang Ji Bao Hu Dui Ce (Atmosphere Pollution and Prevention of Paper Documents: The Impact of Pernicious Gases on paper Durability and the Solutions)”. Dang An Xue Tong Xun (Archives Science Bulletin)3(1998): 67-71. CN

1461.          FENG,Huifen. Dang An Tu Shu Hai Chong Ji Qi Fang Zhi (Pests of Archival Books and Prevention and Cure).Beijing, 1985. CN


Japanese / japonais


1462.          The Japan Society of Archives Institutions, Committee for Disaster Prevention Planning ed. Monjokan no Bosai ni Mukete (Toward Preventing Disaster of Archives). Nagoya, 1998. J1

1463.          OGAWA, Yujiro ed. Toshokan Monjokan no Bosai Taisaku (Disaster Prevention Planning for Libraries and Archives). Tokyo, 1996. J1


Polish / polonais


1464.          Bąkowska, Anna. Organizacja ochrony i konserwacji zbiorów archiwalnych w państwowej służbie archiwalnej, [w:] Archiwa Polski wobec wyznań XX wieku. Pamiętnik III Powszechnego Zjazdu Archiwistów Polskich. red. Daria Nałęcz, t.2, Radom. 1998. 65-71. PL6


Romanian / roumain


1465.          OPREA, Florea. “Principii de bază ale restaurării documentelor istorice”. R.A. nr.4 (1994): 347-352. RO

1466.          OPREA, Florea. “Utilizarea mertiolatului la dezinfecţia materialelor de arhivă”. R.A. nr.1 (1991): 134-135. RO

1467.          OPREA, Florea. “Tehnologia de restaurare a documentelor şi cărţii de patrimoniu prin turnare de pastă celulozică”. R.A. nr.4 (1990): 418-427. RO

1468.          OPREA, Florea. “Rolul stării higroscopice a hârtiei în procesul de laminare a documentelor istorice”. R.A. nr.3 (1986): 285-287. RO

1469.          OPREA, Florea. “Tehnologia de conservare şi restaurare a hărţilor şi planurilor din fondurile şi colecţiile păstrate de Arhivele Statului”. R.A. nr.1 (1985): 44-51. RO

1470.          OPREA, Florea. “Investigaţia de laborator - etapă premergătoare restaurării”. R.A. nr.3 (1985): 291-301. RO

1471.          CRUCERU, Monica. “Restaurarea unui pergament cu sigiliu de la F.A.S. Cluj”. R.A. nr.3 (1985): 301-305. RO

1472.          CRUCERU, Monica. “Restaurarea unui document pe hârtie de la F.A.S. Vaslui”. R.A. nr.1 (1985): 55-59. RO

1473.          OPREA, Florea. “Cercetări privind restaurarea pergamentelor şi legăturilor din piele”. R.A. nr.1 (1980): 58-60. RO


Slovakian / slovaque


1474.          HANUS, Jozef; SPIRITZA, Juraj. “Ochrana archívnych dokumentov”. Slovenská archivistika 15 (1980): 28 - 55. CS1