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Further reading

There are many resources which archival educators and trainers can draw on to get ideas for the development of training materials and courses generally. Any experience of training, from first aid, to health and safety, to practical session on new computer software and evening courses and classes taken for pleasure can be used as an opportunity to re-examine one’s own teaching and training techniques.

If you have access to the world wide web there are many sites that can be invaluable to trainers. A search on the subject matter will yield research material for new training areas and a search on techniques can also be very productive. It is also possible to find illustrations of all sorts for visual aids and handouts.


We offer here a short reading list as an initial starting point for those who wish to develop their teaching and training techniques more fully.

The Open Learning Handbook, Phil Race (Race, 1994)

Preparing to Teach, Graham Gibbs and Trevor Habeshaw (Cromwell Press, 1984)

52 Interesting Things to Do in Your Lectures, Graham Gibbs, Sue Habeshaw and Trevor Habeshaw (Cromwell Press, 1995)

Planning a Course, Ian Forsyth, Alan Jolliffe and David Stevens (Kogan Page, 1995)

How to Make and Use Visual Aids, Nicola Harford and Nicola Baird (VSO Books, 1997)

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Last updated: 20 December 2005